Sabtu, 15 September 2012

Business Process Management Brings More Competitive Value for Empire.

Nowadays competitive market rivalries become  more complex and hard to surpass. Quick action is one thing that can not be ignored to help us collect and evaluate informations and then  use the informations for event monitoring and problem solving quickly and efficiently. So the quick action is one of the main factors to emerging competitive value of a certain business/organization.

Problem often occurred when the business empire failed or late in responsing the unexpected business challenge. For example many empire out there took too much time to detect new business opportunities and to detect other competitor’s movement, or moreover there are same  empire that intend to have insensitive aerials that can not detect what problem they are facing in the moment where this occurrence becomes a contra productive thing for themselves to win over some place in the market rivalry.

To avoid such state, the business leaders need one solution to help them get information over their business state wholly and real-time. So what they see in the moment describes their actual state equally like that exact moment. Not 1 week ago, nor 1 day ago nor even 1 hour ago. In this situation the role of technology is becoming more vital. The business empire can depend on the right technology to help them growing efficiency, as a response trigger, and in the end able to produce more competitive value for the business empire.

A few years ago there were many empires use solution with Information Technology in optimizing their business process but often they developed that solution only half way. They built that IT solution in a separable systems. The said systems divided according to work unit, or according to the existing business process. This thing unfortunately brings some problems when the business process need a form of business process collaboration or information exchange to inish the process that can not be done by IT solution. Actually IT solution like that has become irrelevant or a dynamic business world like today.

The technology of BPM (Business Process Management) is the absolute key to help their business in facing every challenge and competition nowadays. BPM designed to integrate between employees and information system through automation process and has a flexible nature. BPM is also has the ability help the empire built in quick response significantly to satisfy every costumer in every product/service with providing real time information access so it helps us in problem identifying and action posing in responsing every problrm quickly and efficiency.

In this point, what’s BPM? Why BPM become a vital element in an empire success? But before we reaching that subject we have to get to know about BPM in an empire. Business process is an essence of all the activity in a business or an organization. To reach the empire goal we need the help f every business resources. We must know that each business process are unique, according to the business field and its characteristic, like producing process, supply chain management, replying costumer’s questions or new employee recruitment that can be different in every empire.

Efficient and effective BPM will be able to produce competitive value for the empire. If we manage the business in the right way will raise many opportunities. However the empire often doesn’t know well and doesn’t have the ability to control over their own business process. May be the management division succeeded in outcoming an ideal procedure to operate the business process, but in reality, when they put it in action in the field caused redundancy, inefficiency, stagnation, and other various problems. With so much trouble our goal in business may become a failure.

BPM is an approachment which increase effectivity and afficiency through process automation development and the ability to manage alterations. BPM helps empire watch and control every elements, like the employees, customers, supplies, and the workflow. BPM increases the quality of business process through better feedback mechanism providing. The continous and real time review will help the empire to identify problems and then solve them quickly before those problems develop into the bigger ones.
In every BPM solution they have 4 main components:   

 1.  Modeling
User could design the structure of every business graphicly. The process managers able to design a process complete with the elements, rules, sub-process, parallel process, exception handling, error handling and workflow easily without special programming ability and without IT staff assistance.

2. Integrity

BPM connects every element in the process therefor we can built a collaboration of those elements and exchange information. On application level, this idea means the using of API (Application Programming Interface) ang messaging. Or users, this means provide workspace in their computer or wireless device to do the task according to a certain business process.

3.       Monitoring

User can do performance control from the active business process and monitor every ones included in those processes. User also get information about the active process or even the finish one including all the data inside.

4.       Optimizing

User could analyze and monitor certain business process,see the unefficiency, and also enable user to take the right decision quickly change that process to increase the efficiency.

BPM can be advantageous to the empire. And then what is exactly the advantages  which canbe use by the empire when they use BPM solution to manage and optimize their business process?
  •  The BPM solution will facilitate empires in process business modeling, process monitoring, and also doing some alteration to increase performance.
  •    BPM software helps the empire to run the manual task into the automatic ones. The example is automatic contract deal, notification and status report
  •    Integrity between each business process can be done easily and quick.
  •    BPM helps the empire make exception handling and alternative process to solve problems in a dynamic business state nowadays.
  •   BPM increases business response through the ability in getting information quick and real time.
  •   BPM needs less time to run a certain business process
  •   A good BPM solution can reduce the amount of resource neededin a process

With so many advantages in BPM I think every empire now should prepare to use BPM to bring more competitive values.

reference: bahan manajemen by saltanera

3 komentar:

  1. topik yg diminta adalah apa itu proses bisnis. belum ada, perbaikan yg berarti. tambahkan referensi lain. tulisan di blog orang lain, bukan jurnal penelitian terkini.

  2. Baik pak, akan segera saya perbaiki. Terima Kasih
